Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Balance Pins

Paulin has returned from DRC. Thanks to everyone who made a donation. There's still time.

Here he is putting the front rail and balance rail pins in the keyboard. 

Monday, 16 December 2019

Goma Tragedy

News Photograph

We have some very sad news to report at Kigali Keys. 

Three weeks ago a plane went down in Goma, a city in the DRC just across the border from Gisenyi. The plane landed in a residential area. One of the houses it hit belonged to the brother of our chief piano carpenter, Paulin. His brother was at church at the time, but it killed his sister-in-law and their children.

Our thoughts are with him at this time and we are holding a collection for his family. If you would like to contribute, you can do so through our donation button, or contact us for mobile money details. Add Paulin to the PayPal note and we'll make sure he gets it. Our condolences to all those who died and their families.

Paulin, left.

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Lirika Rebirth

Rodrigo Putting in Tuning Pins

A much awaited update.

Recognise this lovely instrument? 

It's our original Lirika. The 1968 Soviet piano we took apart to learn how pianos work. We're starting to put her back together. Painted black with a purple frame. Fresh tuning pins are being put in and then she'll come to mine for stringing. We'll be using the same red leather as our new build piano and even attaching some candle sconces. She's having quite a makeover. Even contemplating replacing the white key tops with mirror plastic, just for fun. But we'll see where we get to. If you missed it, the original Lirika bass strings were turned into a giant treble clef.



Saturday, 7 December 2019

African Mona Lisa

We've posted before about talented Rwandan artist Ishumwe Dady. We love this portrait he painted of musician Clement Iradukunda, prominently featuring piano keys. You can see more of Dady's work here.

African Mona Lisa